Dumpster Day Event
Kerns will share a FREE Dumpster Day event with Buckman and Sunnyside in the Spring of 2024. The date will be decided shortly…Stay tuned!
You can use PDXREPORTER to report the following to the city:
Abandoned Auto
Campsite Reporting
Debris in Roadway
Illegal Parking
Park Maintenance
Plugged Storm Drain
Sidewalk Trip Hazard
Sidewalk Vegetation
Street Lighting
Work Zone Concerns
More cleanup resources
SOLVE https://solveoregon.org
SOLVE restores and preserves Oregon’s environment by mobilizing the power of volunteers and partners with the generosity of donors.
Join Detrash Portland Meetup https://www.meetup.com/Detrash-Portland/
Report a Problem with a Public Trash Can https://www.portland.gov/bps/public-trash-cans/public-trash-can-report
Apply to paint your curb for added driveway clearance
Portland Trash Cleanup Resources https://www.portland.gov/bps/garbage-recycling/documents/portland-trash-cleanup-resources-85×11/download
Adopt your neighborhood storm drain and help prevent street flooding https://www.portland.gov/transportation/news/2022/10/17/rainy-season-returns-adopt-your-neighborhood-storm-drain-and-help
To report abandoned shopping carts:
northwestcarts.com or 888-55-CARTS (888-552-2787)