Kerns NET Team

About the Kerns Neighborhood Emergency Team:

Welcome! We are volunteers who are invested in supporting fellow neighbors and community partners in building preparedness, education, and resilience – both before and in the event of an emergency.

We would love to have you join us. You do not have to complete NET training in order to attend and participate in meetings. If you are interested in getting officially trained, we’re happy to help you make that happen.


Currently via Zoom at 7pm on the 3rd Thursday of each month.

Email or sign up for our mailing list to get the meeting link. 


Join our mailing list: Learn about emergency resources, get the link for meetings & connect with neighbors so that we can can be stronger together.

Sign up for Public Alerts: When an emergency hits, you need good information. Get on the Public Alert list. 

Where to go after an earthquake Find a BEECN site near you

Assemble Emergency Supplies: This flier will guide you to take small steps each week so organizing is not so overwhelming.

2 Weeks Ready for Oregon: State resources for emergency preparedness to help you be self-sufficient for 14 days.

Portland NET: Learn about Neighborhood Emergency Teams. This is where you sign up for training.

Portland NET Facebook Page: Connect with NET via Facebook. (You cannot sign up for training on this page.)