From ZimZim:
On June 30 we will be donating 25% of our net sales to @lasamericasimmigrantadvocacy
Las Americas is a “31 year old, homegrown, non-profit dedicated to serving the legal needs of low income immigrants, including refugees and asylum seekers, victims of crime, and families seeking reunification.”
Joining us in making similar donations on June 30 are @dovevivipizza @frockboutique @almachocolate @presentsofmind @grasshopperstore and @tumbleweedboutique (Grasshopper and Tumbleweed will be donating to another wonderful organization, @kino_border_initiative )
We hope you’ll join us supporting these organizations who are doing the crucial work of assisting immigrants during a time when our country is being particularly unwelcoming. If you are unable to donate money either directly or by shopping these sales, your time is always valuable! @occupyicepdx is always looking for hands on deck and many places are seeking translators and people to spread the word about the work the are doing. If you are local business who would like to join us, shoot us a DM and we’ll be happy to tag you in this list! Thank you for reading through what is an unusually long post for us. We hope to see you on Saturday!